
Machine shop floor with workers operating cutting-edge machines.

Ever Growing Number of Supplier Facilities

Evolving Requirements

Driven by demand and a shifting economic landscape, we formed our base of operations in Pune, India meeting our growing supply chain requirements



Vertical ring rolling mill operated by two workers, producing glowing ring rolled forging.

Multiple Joint Ventures Around Shanghai

Meeting Global Challenges with Strategic Expansion

After being challenged to grow our operation to meet rapidly expanding market. Those challenges led Seglian to opening its first joint venture factory serving a global market



Global footprint

Expanding Our Global Footprint

Seglian recognized that as our company expanded, the challenges faced by our customers also became more complex. To address these growing needs effectively, we established our Supply Chain Operations office in Shanghai, China



Founding leaders Don Sill and Gregory Neal posing with industrial parts, showcasing Seglian's commitment to quality manufacturing.

Founders Don Sill (Left) & Greg Neal, Current President (Right)

Our Foundation

Seglian was founded on the principle of delivering the highest quality to our customers by integrating manufacturing, logistics, and customer service under one roof.